Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Today is Monday, a day when I should have been at work. Instead, I stayed home with a headache and spent much of the day resting. I couldn't quite sleep because there's too much going on in my head.

The long and the short of it is, I need to do some spring cleaning of my life.

Brad and I got married a little over three weeks ago, and the wedding was all I wanted it to be. It was fun, we had a beautiful day, and when it was over, we went on our fabulous honeymoon. We were so lucky and so blessed to have most of our family and close friends there to celebrate the day with us. I'm looking at this time period as sort of a break in my life: there's the Miss version, and the Mrs. version.

I'm going back to school this summer and taking two of the 10 classes I need to complete my degree. I am so motivated to get this done! I need to finish it; it's been hanging over my head for way too long now. Ten years ago, I should have graduated from Wake Forest University. As it is, I'll be lucky to graduate from the University of Maryland by 2012. But that's okay, because I'm going to get it done.

My former trainer reached out to me this morning, and I'm taking that as a sign. I've gained more weight and I need to lose it for good. I can feel my body deteriorating...all of our (my) hard work has been lost, so it's time to work on it again. I need to look through cookbooks and figure out what food to make, and I need to start working on menus.

Credit card bills continue to be the biggest financial burden I have. I need to make a plan and pay them off. My credit score has been steadily improving, so I need to maintain that trend. I know I can get these things paid off, and once I do, I'll feel better about my financial future.

So, there you have it. I have the same three goals that so many of you out there have, and I'm determined to make some progress on them.